This is unheard of! In only three years this pigeon fancier from Cormontreuil has won first prize at the international competition in Pau. His goal was to be ready in 2024, Jean-Jacques is finally a little ahead.

From the start, Jean-Jacques thought big, in a few years he quickly reached some four hundred pigeons. A real loft to manage! His strategy was to acquire the best breeders and to try to find that famous golden pair. With about thirty breeding pairs, very quickly good pigeons appeared; last year already he realized a first federal prize in yearling on Aurillac (500km) with a female.
In this adventure he is not alone, he can count on his friend and closest advisor: Richard ROGE, pigeon fancier with multiple international prizes. It is a relationship of trust and sharing between the two men. Richard did not hesitate to confide all his secrets to him until “the pupil surpasses the master”.

All the pigeons are played naturally except for the yearlings, and Jean-Jacques likes to try his pigeons in all positions (youngsters, eggs, nest hunting…). The racers follow a strict care programme established with the help of Richard (but we won’t know more…).
They receive the best grain and grit possible ” In fact, my way it’s more like: ” a little more than a little less ” admits the pigeon fancier, the tricho and the airways are treated before departure. The veterinarian Leysens visits the loft twice a year, and on his last visit the pigeons were in great shape and no treatment was needed. This was a few days before the basketing for Pau.

The female who achieves this feat comes from the Hetru loft, the father being the half-brother of the 3rd International Barcelona 2011 and the mother a basic breeder daughter of the 25th Nat Bordeaux (876km) 2008 (4895 pigeons)(pedigree Peggy Sue). The pigeon was found at 15h45 on the same day with a speed of 134.92 m/min for 685 Km. Before being an accomplished pigeon fancier Jean Jacques was a motorcyclist, as a true Bicker, he went several times across the Atlantic to rub shoulders with the asphalt of the mythical Route 66. Fan of the United States and the Rok’n’Roll of the 60’s it is quite natural that he names the F19-139876 “Peggy Sue (pedigree Peggy Sue“).
Peggy Sue’s loft, she was basketed on a 10-day old brood.
To reduce the size of his breeding, Jean Jacques will proceed to a selection “the goal is also to not buy any more pigeons”. Congratulations again and thank you for the warm welcome!